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Linea Concimi e nutrizione


Foliar and root liquid fertilizer
with microelements

Product designed to ensure balanced nutrition to all plants at home and in the garden. Keep the product at a temperature between + 5 ºF and + 35 ºF. In case of spillage or breakage during storage, collect the liquid with absorbent material. Do not exceed the recommended doses. The instructions are suitable for the indicated use. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Do not disperse the container in the environment. Do not ingest.


Dilute a cap (about 20 g of product) in two litres of water and use the resulting solution to water the plants.

- from March to October every 10/15 days;
- from November to February every 20/25 days;


NPK 6-6-6 fertiliser solution with boron (B), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) with low chlorine content.


1 lt COD. 1000 / BOX 16 pz


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10022 - Carmagnola (TO)

Via Sommariva, 42

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