News from the green
Tune in to the green: stay updated!
Welcome to our page dedicated to the latest news and updates directly from our company. Here we will enthusiastically share the latest achievements, innovative projects and interesting developments that are characterizing our path. We're excited to keep you abreast of the latest events, giving you an inside look behind the scenes and sharing the stories that fuel our passion for green. Stay tuned to stay informed about what's happening in our world and to find out how we're helping to make your green space even more extraordinary.
From the heart of our company to your curiosity: in the section Who we are you will relive our history, the Catalog will guide you through quality solutions, News will keep you informed, in the section Contacts you will find a way to be part of our green growth and on the Privacy & Cookies page, you will delve into the details of our policy.
Welcome to our virtual space, dedicated to you.
10022 - Carmagnola (TO)
Via Sommariva, 42
011/972 2359